Financial Planning News and Insights
The latest news and views from Apt Wealth
From superannuation and retirement to investments and planning for life events and milestones, our team shares expert insights on common financial planning questions.
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Health insurance: A necessary spend or a waste of money?
Andrew Dunbar
Jun 07, 2018
It’s one of today’s most debated household expenses: Private health insurance. As a media topic, it also seems to generate headlines, particularly around the annual April 1 price increase.

Online shopping: Enhancing the experience, but is it problem-free?
Andrew Dunbar
May 31, 2018
Whether you’re embracing online shopping, or you’re seeing your colleagues, family and friends receiving packages every other day, you will have noticed that it is growing at a rapid pace.

Mind the gap: why women are said to retire with $200k less than men
Tracey Pace
May 03, 2018
Gender inequality and gender issues are deservedly hot topics in the media right now, particularly in relation to equal pay. But one issue that gets very little attention, yet has a significant impact for women, is the superannuation gap.

Anzac Day: Why this year is extra special
Andrew Dunbar
Apr 23, 2018
It’s a day when we remember and honour our servicemen and women who’ve helped protect the wonderful free country we enjoy today. A day to celebrate everyday Australian values – mateship, courage, and sacrifice; values still well and truly alive with our “have a go” attitude and tendency to put others before ourselves.

Will artificial intelligence change the way we work? Yes, but maybe not in the way that you think
Andrew Dunbar
Apr 19, 2018
We live in world today that is rapidly changing, driven primarily by technology. Reading the mainstream press, there seems to be a new technology-driven breakthrough almost daily.

Energy pricing: How can you take the heat out of your power bill?
Andrew Dunbar
Apr 12, 2018
Its seems that in today’s news cycle we swing from one cost of living ‘crisis’ to another. High on the agenda is the price of energy, specifically focused on electricity and gas prices.

Four tips to financially survive divorce
Tracey Pace
Apr 04, 2018
Most couples don’t plan for divorce, but the fact is, one in three marriages in Australia end. It’s a financial stress that most people aren’t prepared for, but when it does happen they want the process dealt with swiftly. There are no winners in a marriage breakdown, but you do need to take the time to set yourself up financially for the future. The last thing you want is to look back in five years’ time and realise you short-changed yourself.

The proposed dividend changes: Good policy or a cynical cash grab?
James McGregor
Mar 22, 2018
Last week, the Labor party introduced its proposed changes to the dividend franking system. For those of you who don’t know the history of dividend imputation, it was introduced by…

Buying your first home: Is it still achievable in our major cities?
Andrew Dunbar
Mar 12, 2018
In recent years we’ve seen an explosion in housing prices in our major cities, particularly in Sydney and Melbourne. It’s a well-worn subject, and one that has seen plenty of column inches across all media platforms.

Driverless and Electric? What’s the future of the car?
Andrew Dunbar
Mar 07, 2018
Considerations around buying a car, however, are one of the top questions we receive and it’s a common area of commentary from our analysts. It’s hard to see a future where there won’t be a ‘car’ so to speak, but what is clear is that with technology advancing at a rapid rate of knots, what we’ll be driving in the not too distant future is facing a dramatic change.

Money and travel: How to maximise your overseas holiday funds
Andrew Dunbar
Feb 22, 2018
We’re often asked about travel, particularly how you can best manage the financial aspects of it. So here are a few areas that I think you should look at to ensure you better manage your money when travelling.

Crash or Correction? Why we all need to remain calm about the market
Sarah Gonzales
Feb 14, 2018
With mixed reporting on the stock market drop over the last week, it is hard to know if we are preparing for another GFC or if it is a storm in a teacup. News outlets need to feed the 24 hour news cycle so it’s easy to understand the dramatic overtones, with many channels providing minute-to-minute updates on stock movements. The question is: Is it just hype or something bigger that we all need to brace for?