Refresh your finances this financial year
Andrew Dunbar
Jul 31, 2018
When it comes to money, it is always worthwhile to make time to refresh your finances. Whether it is reviewing your goals, consolidating your super or reassessing your insurances, the start of the financial year provides the perfect time to get your finances sorted.
How virtual and augmented reality will change our lives
Andrew Dunbar
Jul 17, 2018
The terms ‘virtual reality’ (VR) and ‘augmented reality’ (AR) are technology terms that leave many intrigued. What started out as a bit of a gimmick for gamers around the world has taken on a very real significance in recent times. As technology platforms, they have the potential to change the way we live in many ways.
The cost of childcare: Does it stack up?
Andrew Dunbar
Jun 28, 2018
In terms of your household spend, it’s one of the most contentious charges we see today: The cost of childcare for Australian working families.
State Budgets: NSW and VIC show that there are some future financial wins
James McGregor
Jun 22, 2018
It’s been an interesting time in Australia as we look at the future of our economy. Taking aside the different political sides of the argument, there have been some interesting developments in our two major states with recent budget announcements.
Health insurance: A necessary spend or a waste of money?
Andrew Dunbar
Jun 07, 2018
It’s one of today’s most debated household expenses: Private health insurance. As a media topic, it also seems to generate headlines, particularly around the annual April 1 price increase.
Mind the gap: why women are said to retire with $200k less than men
Tracey Pace
May 03, 2018
Gender inequality and gender issues are deservedly hot topics in the media right now, particularly in relation to equal pay. But one issue that gets very little attention, yet has a significant impact for women, is the superannuation gap.
Will artificial intelligence change the way we work? Yes, but maybe not in the way that you think
Andrew Dunbar
Apr 19, 2018
We live in world today that is rapidly changing, driven primarily by technology. Reading the mainstream press, there seems to be a new technology-driven breakthrough almost daily.
Energy pricing: How can you take the heat out of your power bill?
Andrew Dunbar
Apr 12, 2018
Its seems that in today’s news cycle we swing from one cost of living ‘crisis’ to another. High on the agenda is the price of energy, specifically focused on electricity and gas prices.
Money and travel: How to maximise your overseas holiday funds
Andrew Dunbar
Feb 22, 2018
We’re often asked about travel, particularly how you can best manage the financial aspects of it. So here are a few areas that I think you should look at to ensure you better manage your money when travelling.