Supporting the community is a value we can all share

Published on: September 25th, 2018

In business, it’s important to remember that we have the ability to support more than just our clients and our employees. We’re in a fortunate position, something I’m thankful for every day.

For my post this week, I want to highlight a few of the causes we support at Apt Wealth Partners. One of which is particularly close to my heart, as it has affected my family directly.

Supporting our community

Corporate Social Responsibility, or CSR, has become a core component of most businesses today. For charitable organisations across the country, it’s no doubt been a good development, and rightly so. While it definitely brings some business benefits in goodwill and in helping to attract the right future employees, it’s also incredibly good for the communities we live in.

It’s important to have common causes within the business that your entire team can get behind. We support a range of organisations that I want to highlight here.

Just this week, our team attended the redkite annual trivia evening, raising funds for their important programs. Our team raised well over $5,000 in support of redkite, something we’re proud of.

Our team also completes an annual company-wide blood donation for the Red Cross, and we have an annual Christmas drive for the Smith Family.

A number of our planners, myself included, are also on the pro bono list for the Cancer Council, providing free financial advice for those suffering from one of the cruellest diseases of all. It’s something that is incredibly important to our business.


The real reason for my post today is, as mentioned earlier, a personal one. I have a family member who has faced lung disease, a journey that included a double lung transplant. It’s why I am a huge supporter of Lungitude, a not-for-profit organisation focused on facilitating world-class clinical and research endeavours, medical procedures, and therapies and support for pre and post lung transplant patients and their carers. The work they do is truly life-saving and is incredibly important.Supporting research into lung transplants and improving patient survival rates and quality of life is something that I am passionate about.

In support of this cause, I, alongside a number of my Apt colleagues, will be running in the Melbourne Marathon.  While not targeting the full 42km, we’re committed to raising funds for what is a great cause. You can find a link here to support my run; anything you can spare to help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for reading my post.

*Authors note: Andrew is a Director of Lungitude, more information about the work the organisation undertakes can be found here.