
We all want to manage our finances. Sorting out and gaining control over your financial situation takes time, effort, and knowledge. It often seems like life is simply too busy.

BeApt has been created with this in mind: We’ve designed a service that fits in with your life today, while focusing on building for tomorrow, whatever your plans may be. Our online tools make it easy to plan for your financial goals, whether it be saving for a once in a lifetime holiday, building an investment portfolio, or finding the cash to buy your first home.


Be focused

Be Apt is designed for both singles and couples:


from $99 a month*


from $119 a month*

Be efficient - BeApt is designed to be simple:


First, our qualified financial planners will health check your specific situation and come up with a plan.


Then our Be Apt online tool takes over. Using the Be Apt app, you can easily set goals, track your progress, and make changes whenever you want, 24/7. Our app can also be easily customised to suit your priorities.


We’ll stay in touch through an annual catch up with a financial planner from our team, who will help you check your progress and make any course corrections needed.


The Be Apt app also connects directly to all your important financial sources, such as bank accounts, giving you a real time view of your financial position all in one place.

Be in front

Stay on top of your finances with BeApt. We provide you with the following services to help you get sorted and stay ahead:


Cash Flow Planning

Cash Flow Planning

Stay on top of your finances with BeApt. We analyse and monitor your cash flow to help grow your wealth.

Property Planning

Property Planning

We help you plan out your property goals and guide you through the process from saving a deposit, finding the best loan, through to how much you should borrow.



We set you up with a future-focused investment portfolio that suits your financial goals.



We make sure your super is working for you, so you are free to live for now, while planning for tomorrow.



We make sure you’re protected, to give you the comfort you need to go and enjoy life.


The information provided in this publication does not constitute financial product advice. The information is of a general nature only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be used, relied upon, or treated as a substitute for specific professional advice. Apt Wealth Partners (AFSL and ACL 436121 ABN 49 159 583 847) recommends that you obtain professional advice before making any decision in relation to your particular requirements or circumstances.
* Pricing excludes investment administration and advice costs. Included are agreed services only, comprehensive advice quotes available on request.