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Financial Planning News and Insights

The latest news and views from Apt Wealth

From superannuation and retirement to investments and planning for life events and milestones, our team shares expert insights on common financial planning questions. 

As always, please contact us for personalised advice that takes into account your circumstances and goals.

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Are Australian Expats prepared financially?

John Versace

Sep 18, 2018

Living and working overseas is on the bucket list for many of us. So when a job opportunity presents itself, you may find yourself jumping at the chance to live an expat lifestyle in a new country

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Is retiring overseas an option?

Andrew Dunbar

Sep 04, 2018

Retirement should be a time we all look forward to. But as it moves closer, the reality of how much money you need to maintain the lifestyle you desire can be daunting. For many, the rising cost of living in Australia is tempting them to pack their bags for locations like Thailand and Spain, where even the most modest of retirement funds can provide a luxurious lifestyle.

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The bots are coming…so what does it mean for you?

Andrew Dunbar

Aug 22, 2018

For the vast majority of us, interacting with the Internet is a daily part of our lives. Whether it’s checking investment performance, reading the latest news, or making an online purchase, it’s a core part of our day.

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Getting married debt-free

Andrew Dunbar

Aug 14, 2018

Getting married is an exciting time in your life. Now that you’ve found your partner for life and you’re engaged, it’s time to start planning the wedding. For many newly…

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YOLO spending habits of Gen Y: Can you have your cake and eat it too?

Andrew Dunbar

Aug 08, 2018

If there’s one generation today that is discussed at length, it’s Generation Y, more commonly known as ‘Millennials’. It’s a generation that has been thoroughly reviewed by the media and academia alike, with numerous theories around the opportunities and challenges facing this generation.

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Refresh your finances this financial year

Andrew Dunbar

Jul 31, 2018

When it comes to money, it is always worthwhile to make time to refresh your finances. Whether it is reviewing your goals, consolidating your super or reassessing your insurances, the start of the financial year provides the perfect time to get your finances sorted.

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How to manage a redundancy

Andrew Dunbar

Jul 24, 2018

Of all the areas in our lives, career is one of the biggest components. As our economy changes, technology and the digital era are rapidly changing the way we work.

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How virtual and augmented reality will change our lives

Andrew Dunbar

Jul 17, 2018

The terms ‘virtual reality’ (VR) and ‘augmented reality’ (AR) are technology terms that leave many intrigued. What started out as a bit of a gimmick for gamers around the world has taken on a very real significance in recent times. As technology platforms, they have the potential to change the way we live in many ways.

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Why it’s critical that women stay on top of their finances.

Emily Lanciana

Jul 09, 2018

Women face unique challenges when it comes to finance; factors such as the gender pay gap and increased likelihood of a career break to care for children or elderly parents have a dramatic impact on financial situation and superannuation. Couple this with both the rising rate of divorce and the fact that women are living longer than men, and it’s not surprising that many women are facing the prospect of retirement on the poverty line.

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The cost of childcare: Does it stack up?

Andrew Dunbar

Jun 28, 2018

In terms of your household spend, it’s one of the most contentious charges we see today: The cost of childcare for Australian working families.

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State Budgets: NSW and VIC show that there are some future financial wins

James McGregor

Jun 22, 2018

It’s been an interesting time in Australia as we look at the future of our economy. Taking aside the different political sides of the argument, there have been some interesting developments in our two major states with recent budget announcements.

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How will the aging population affect Australians?

Andrew Dunbar

Jun 14, 2018

Australia has experienced a run of reasonable economic prosperity. Our politicians often quote it when discussing our economic performance. What is also raised is potential pitfalls in the road ahead.

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