Why more happiness at work may be better for your finances than more money
Abbie Gellatly
Nov 23, 2022
When it comes to your life plans and goals, there’s no denying that your income plays a significant part. So, in theory, it seems you should seek the highest possible…

How to plan your finances in your 40s
Andrew Dunbar
May 03, 2022
In your 40s, you are more likely to have more debt and financial responsibility than at any other point in your life and it can be busy as a result….

Tips for Managing Redundancy
Andrew Dunbar
Jun 04, 2020
Redundancy can be difficult emotionally and financially at any time, but right now, with a tough employment market, it can feel like a bigger blow. If you have been made…

How to manage a redundancy
Andrew Dunbar
Jul 24, 2018
Of all the areas in our lives, career is one of the biggest components. As our economy changes, technology and the digital era are rapidly changing the way we work.