Six tips for setting meaningful long-term financial goals
Andrew Dunbar
Jan 28, 2022
Long-term financial goals are a critical part of any financial plan, and while achieving them can be decades into the future, meaningful goals should be used to guide your financial…

Five common financial planning mistakes and how to avoid them
Andrew Dunbar
Dec 15, 2021
When it comes to managing our money, everyone is a little different, and, in our industry, we see a wide range of approaches. We also see the planning errors that…

How to prepare to move a loved one into aged care
David Maddock
Nov 05, 2021
Whether it is for a parent, partner or other loved one, making decisions around aged care can be a highly emotional time. Here are our tips for managing the preparations….

7 tips for successful farm succession planning
Preston Foster
Jul 19, 2021
Succession planning for the family farm can be highly complex and emotional. The retiring family members have likely invested significant time and money into the property, and it can be…

Three ways a financial adviser can help you navigate aged care
David Maddock
May 27, 2021
Whether you are planning ahead for yourself or exploring options for a loved one, navigating Australia’s aged care system can be a minefield. Many are understandably feeling even more trepidation…

Estate Planning Considerations for US taxpayers
John Versace
Apr 29, 2021
Estate planning is an important part of any financial plan, but when your assets are spread across multiple countries, it can be a little more complex. Here is our guide…

Protecting your children’s inheritance from divorce
Preston Foster
Feb 25, 2021
Family relationships are complex and constantly changing. Whether it is your divorce or that of one of your children, a marriage breakdown changes dynamics. While you may maintain the most…

How to manage assets and currency transfer as an expat
John Versace
Oct 22, 2020
Working with expats in many countries across the globe, we are frequently asked about the best way to manage transferring assets or large sums of money across borders. When and…

Don’t have a will? Here are four reasons you need one.
Andrew Dunbar
Oct 08, 2020
When was the last time you thought about your will? Many of us think about wills when there is a birth, death or marriage in the family, but few of…

How do I ensure my wealth will effectively transfer to my beneficiaries?
Andrew Dunbar
Sep 08, 2020
When we talk about financial goals and future planning with our clients, a common question or priority is about wealth transfer to beneficiaries. For many, it’s not only about ensuring…

Three tips to financially survive a divorce.
Tim Conde
Apr 30, 2020
With isolation and social restrictions in place, many experts warn that we may see an increase in divorce, as relationships that were already strained break under the added pressure of…